
Clinton’s Candidacy

Same topic, different views

By Tim Baldwin and Joe Carbonari

By Tim Baldwin

As expected, Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy for President in 2016. Despite allegations surrounding email-gate, Clinton has a good chance of winning the general election.

(1) She has tremendous name recognition. (2) She has lots of monetary connections and support. (3) She is a woman. (4) No other Republican (except for Rand Paul) will draw cross-section national support. (5) She has been involved in top-level politics for decades. (6) Big Electoral College states favor Democrats. (7) The Democrat Party will unite for her. (8) Her husband, Bill, will help her.

Hillary has claimed that she is the only person who can unite America as a political leader. But notably, when it comes to big foreign and domestic issues, she’s in the background. Unlike President Barack Obama, she has no clear theme to her candidacy, but she has a long primary process to “pounce” on her opponents in the general.

Given the us-versus-them approach most people have concerning politics, Clinton will not likely unite people and ideas more than any other candidate, especially with the perceptions of her that exist among Republicans. Will the X-factor libertarians like her? Not more than they would Rand Paul, who is likely the only Republican that can beat her.


By Joe Carbonari

Who runs our country makes a difference – speaking both of who it is and from which party they come. Our parties represent a large divide of thought, the moderate center a flimsy bridge. This leaves us inefficient, economically unstable, and physically vulnerable. Internationally we are weakened. Not a good model.

Personalities matter, especially on the international stage. Diplomacy is an art. Some are better at it than others. The best are tough, smart and comfortable with themselves. They understand human nature and factor in the emotional responses that can override the rational. Get it wrong there and there are consequences.

Hillary knows the ropes and has represented us well. Envision Ted Cruz, Rand Paul or Chris Christie in the job … it’s not funny. Envision some more.

The well-being of our country turns on our economy. No job, no work, no food. The economic machine slows, and we feel it, to differing degrees. Our economy has recovered to a greater extent than Europe’s or Japan’s. Now they are adopting economic policies similar to what we did earlier. Hillary supported those policies. Most of the other candidates did not.

Hillary needs help. She knows who is available and how good they are. That’s important. By contrast, consider Ted Cruz’s readiness. Hillary has experience with the best and the brightest. Show me someone better.