
No Quick Verdict in Bundy Ranch Standoff Case in Nevada

Jury wraps up first day of deliberations in federal trial of six men involved with the standoff

By Tristan Scott

LAS VEGAS — A jury has ended a full day of deliberations without a verdict in the federal trial of six men who had assault-style weapons during a standoff that stopped government agents from rounding up cattle near Cliven Bundy’s ranch in April 2014.

Officials said Monday the U.S. District Court jury will return to work Tuesday.

Each defendant faces 10 charges including threatening and assaulting a federal officer, obstruction, extortion, weapon violations and conspiracy.

Each could face more than 50 years in prison if he’s found guilty of crimes of violence, and more than 100 years on all charges.

No shots were fired in the standoff near Bunkerville.

It was seen as a victory by states’ rights advocates in an ongoing battle over federal control of vast rangelands in the West.