
Congressional Race Not a Beauty Contest

Rob Quist can be expected to become an obedient “yes-man” to his globalist masters in D.C.

By John Merlette

When you get right down to it, unlike state elections, a federal election is less about the person as it is the votes that person can be counted on to make in Congress. The personal backgrounds of the candidates don’t really matter. A newly elected congressman occupying a seat in the House or Senate is no longer an entertainer or a businessman from out West, he is expected to obey the platform of his chosen political party.

Take Sen. Jon Tester for example. He supported the confirmation of liberal, anti-Second Amendment justices Sotomayor and Kagen, but voted against Judge Gorsuch, a man who clearly wants to defend the U.S. Constitution to benefit all Americans, not interpret it as Tester’s big city/big government progressives wish. And just like Sen. Tester, Mr. Rob Quist can be expected to become an obedient “yes-man” to his globalist masters in D.C. also. Mr. Quist has demonstrated an inability to manage his own finances. I worry about further economic harm to America should he be elected, and so should you.

A friendly face and musical talent is how contestants at a beauty contest are judged. However, this criteria is not appropriate for selecting a congressman.

John Merlette