
Tester a Staunch Advocate for Veterans

I trust Jon Tester to pick the next nominee to head the VA

By Doug Rhodes

I am writing to express my opinion regarding the latest attacks on Sen. Jon Tester and his work to help veterans in Montana. I am an independent voter, understanding that the national Republican and the national Democratic Party are both corrupted. I vote for the person not the party. I am a Veteran of a Foreign War and I use the local Kalispell veterans clinic for checkups, prescriptions and other minor issues. Through the local vets clinic I have been referred for other medical procedures at local hospitals and clinics. This has saved me the long trip to Helena for service at the VA Hospital at Fort Harrison.

I am very appreciative of the service I have received from the doctors and staff at our clinic in Kalispell. The waiting room is most always full and the staff do a great job processing all of the vets through the system. Jon Tester has been a staunch advocate for Veterans Services in Montana. He was instrumental in getting the VA to service veterans locally if they live too far from Helena. Donald Trump, during the Vietnam War, received a deferment for heel spurs after playing sports at Wharton School of Business, and then, received four more deferments for college. President Trump would be labeled a “War Wimp” by Mike Royko, a legendary writer for the Chicago Tribune. A War Wimp would be someone who acts tough and threatens violence, however, is nowhere to be found when the fighting starts. He has no credibility nor understanding of veteran issues at hand when he criticizes Tester’s efforts to help veterans. I trust Jon Tester to pick the next nominee to head the VA. Our sons and daughters, if sent to war, can be killed or maimed and then if they survive they must return to our country and rebuild their lives. Our VA is critical to this process and it is imperative that we have the best medical care for our veterans and that the VA is led by someone who is the most qualified for this role. I trust Jon Tester to make this choice and am thankful that he is involved in this process.

Doug Rhodes