
Calvin is Honorable and Accountable

Calvin is the only candidate for sheriff who has served in the military

By Paul and Muffin Vallely

As an honorably discharged officer from the Army, my wife, Muffin and I, support Calvin Beringer for sheriff.

Calvin is the only candidate for sheriff who has served in the military. Military training develops distinct and elite character traits. Those of us who have a military background recognize those qualities and see them in Calvin’s leadership in law enforcement, business ventures volunteer service and personal relationships.

Calvin is honorable and accountable. He is a man of Christian faith and a man of his word. He is disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in his law enforcement tactics and military skills.

For these reasons and more, we endorse and support Calvin Beringer for sheriff of Flathead County. I urge you to cast your vote for him on June 5th. Please realize how important this vote is, as it is final – there is no person running on the opposing ticket.

Paul and Muffin Vallely