
Stand up for Science and Dr. Fauci

Our country is being plundered by a flailing president when we need leadership

By Betty Kuffel

Denigration of renowned infectious disease and pandemic expert Dr. Anthony Fauci by President Trump and his followers reveal their profound indifference to the loss of life in America. It exposes a lack of education related to scientific processes.

Dr. Fauci was not in error. His words were taken out of context without his complete statements when he reported detailed information known at the time. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new (novel) disease not previously seen. We have no immunity to the disease, which can result in multisystemic failure in all ages and is lethal to many. Following ventilator support to maintain life, many are left with disabling neurological deficits, and some with kidney failure requiring dialysis.

With data gathering, information about the disease evolved, as did the recommendations from scientists like Dr. Fauci.

With U.S. death tolls and hospitalizations rising, and in Montana positive cases spiking, our future lies in the hands of a president incapable of adequate action. A failure to enact safety measures on a national basis allowed explosive spread and widespread deaths. And while health care needs skyrocket we have insufficient personnel with protection equipment and inadequate testing. Sending health care personnel to frontline jobs without PPE, thus killing hundreds of them, it is like sending our military into battle without Kevlar vests … but then our government has done that, too.

We must follow expert science-based guidelines, provide massive testing with rapid results, expedite free national training for more respiratory therapy technicians and registered critical care nurses to support physicians providing intensive care. These dire circumstances are forcing us toward a public healthcare system as millions are falling ill with no job and no health insurance.

Our country is being plundered by a flailing president when we need leadership. It is time to vote for Joe Biden.

Betty Kuffel