
Out Of Bounds

Reversing the Trend

If the decline in hunters is to be reversed, getting more women, and younger, racially diverse folks involved is essential

Stuck on Five of Six

Mountain quail are the one quail species of the six native to the United States that I have yet to successfully hunt

Opossum Post

Perched atop one of the posts about 10 feet away was a rather nervous opossum, still eyeing Doll in the distance

Bluefin in a Tube

Lab-produced fish hints at a guilt-free replacement for wild bluefin in sushi joints, but that’s certainly an illusion

Turkey Trot Time

Today’s domestic supermarket bird is vastly different from the wild Merriam’s turkey that wanders the Rocky Mountains

The Beauty of One Bird

A plucked bird browns to a nice mahogany and the skin shields the meat beneath from the harsh heat of the oven

The Game We Play

The “sport” in hunting isn’t about a ball game, it’s about being a conservationist