May 4 marks the first day when candidates for city offices can file, and as of about 4:30, two men have already thrown their hat into the ring for city council. Marc Rold, who owns Wild Horse Limousine, has filed to run for city council representing Ward III. That means Rold will be facing Councilman Jim Atkinson, if Atkinson opts to run.
Ward II Councilman Hank Olson has also filed for reelection. (City council offices are nonpartisan.) Other Kalispell elected officials whose terms expire at the end of this year include Mayor Pam Kennedy, and Councilmen Bob Hafferman and Tim Kluesner.
Whitefish City Judge Brad Johnson and Kalispell City Judge Heidi Ulbricht also filed.
Anyone who spends any time on this Web site knows that there are DOZENS of people in this community who, based on their savage criticism of the city council in the comments section of stories I write about Kalispell, feel as though they could do a much better job. Here’s an opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. The close of filing is July 2. Have at it.