The other day I was shopping in Kalispell and I heard someone whisper to the sales clerk do you have fanny packs?….and silently I wanted to die inside. I thought that the fanny pack had been buried in the fashion cemetery of horrible trends where all of the others go to die like stirrup pants from the 80’s. Apparently they are still around, but let me tell you why they shouldn’t be. First, the name FANNY pack – nothing about that sounds flattering. It got its name because it was originally worn on your back. Obviously it was easier to access the bag from the front so that’s were it ended up resulting in the pooch. This is the part that is clearly enough reason to throw the thing away. Not only does the fanny pack add weight to the stomach, but it looks like your storing nuts for winter, not at all attractive. This fashion faux pas is dead and if you secretly still have one, do yourself and the world a favor throw it out!