
The Role of Roadside Memorials

By Beacon Staff

Over <a href="http://roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/12/should-roadside-memorials-be-banned/?scp=8&sq=montana&st=cse" title="at The New York Times’ Room for Debate blog”>at The New York Times’ Room for Debate blog, there is a discussion underway on whether roadside memorials should be banned.

It is impossible to travel Montana’s highways without passing white crosses that mark the sites of fatal accidents. The Montana American Legion has apparently been erecting the crosses for decades. <a href="http://outsidebozeman.com/magazine.php?action=fullArticle&articleID=594" title="From Outside Bozeman:”>From Outside Bozeman:

The White Cross Fatality Marker program began in Missoula after six motorists died in local traffic accidents during the 1952 Labor Day weekend. The program was the brainchild of Hellgate Post No. 27’s Floyd Eaheart. A few months after its inception, Legion posts throughout the state adopted the program.

Check out the wide-ranging debate over the memorials here.