
Walt Schweitzer is in the News Again

By Beacon Staff

Laura McGee, a former administrator in State Auditor Monica Lindeen’s office, claims that the governor’s brother, Deputy State Auditor Walt Schweitzer, “verbally abused” her and solicited campaign contributions while in office. McGee told the <a href="http://www.greatfallstribune.com/article/20090802/NEWS01/908020303/1002/NEWS17/State-worker-blames–retaliation–for-recent-dismissal-from-auditor-s-office" title="Great Falls Tribune that she was then fired out of “retaliation.” “>Great Falls Tribune that she was then fired out of “retaliation.”

On Tuesday, Lindeen ordered an independent investigation into the fundraising allegations:

Last week a former employee asserted to the press that certain members of her staff may have violated the law by allegedly soliciting campaign contributions while at work. When Lindeen learned of the allegations, she ordered an internal investigation. “The agency conducted an earlier investigation, the facts of which differ from what a former employee has apparently said in the press,” said agency spokesperson, Jessica Rhoades …

… “In an abundance of caution, Commissioner Lindeen has ordered an outside independent investigator to perform a comprehensive review of the matter and ensure that all laws and policies were followed. Commissioner Lindeen also wants to take this opportunity to conduct a review of agency policies and procedures to ensure that they are in compliance with state ethics laws,” said Rhoades.

Walt Schweitzer made headlines in 2006, when both <a href="http://missoulanews.bigskypress.com/missoula/the-walter-ego/Content?oid=1137583" title="the Missoula Independent “>the Missoula Independent and <a href="http://www.helenair.com/articles/2006/12/10/montana_top/a01121006_04.txt" title="Lee State Bureau“>Lee State Bureau wrote lengthy pieces on his role in the state capitol, one which often raised eyebrows in Helena’s political circles. I doubt the governor is happy his younger brother is, once again, making headlines.