
Baucus: ‘Public Option’ Might Not Survive Debate

By Beacon Staff

MISSOULA – U.S. Sen. Max Baucus says a “public option” probably won’t survive the health care debate, and affordable insurance will more likely be available through some sort of private cooperative.

Speaking at a luncheon held by the Rotary Club of Missoula on Wednesday, the Montana Democrat said the bipartisan bill that eventually emerges from the Senate Finance Committee will protect Medicare and reform private insurance markets — prohibiting companies from denying coverage because of someone’s health.

Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said American health care also has become too focused on quantity rather than quality, and reform must change the way doctors are paid for their work.

The senator, who expects a bill to surface by mid-September, said “right now, we have a lot of doctors practicing defensive medicine, and that’s expensive.”