The so-called “Gang of Six” headed by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus held a 90-minute teleconference call Friday. And, despite many political observers concluding that bipartisan health care reform is now a pipe dream, Baucus remained upbeat. He sent out the following statement:
“Today’s call was a productive one. We addressed a number of issues at hand and the next steps moving forward. Health reform is certainly a significant challenge and each time we talk, we are reminded just how many areas of agreement exist. We agree we need to take control of health care costs and make health insurance affordable for families and small businesses. We agree all Americans should be able to choose – and be able to afford – a quality health care plan. And, we agree health care reform should be fiscally responsible and not add to the deficit.
“After a month in our states, we’ll sit down together on Tuesday, take stock of where we are and determine how to best pass real reform. I am committed to getting health care reform done – done soon and done right.”