
On Tap: Cold Hard Cash and Sled Dog Days

By Beacon Staff

Live Music:
The Cold Hard Cash at Great Northern; DJ at Red’s
Saturday: The Cold Hard Cash at Great Northern; Sick Pony at Red’s; Heck Yeah! at Craggy Range; Canyon Creek Duo at Belton Chalet; Daniel Rodriguez at Flathead High School; Brad Lee at The Lodge at Whitefish Lake

Arts and Events:
The Wonderful Adventures of Don Quixote at Flathead High School
Saturday: Winter Market at Mountain Mall; The Wonderful Adventures of Don Quixote at Flathead High School

Winter Rodeo Series at Majestic Valley; Whitefish at Flathead Basketball
Saturday: Jingle Bell Jog in Polson; Flathead Sled Dog Days in Olney

For a full listing of times, other events and what’s happening on Sunday go to www.flatheadevents.net.