
Wall Street Journal Praises Schweitzer

By Beacon Staff

A reader pointed out this <a href="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704130904574644510559988716.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLEFTTop" title="editorial that ran in the Wall Street Journal“>editorial that ran in the Wall Street Journal last week praising Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer for his fiscal prudence. From the WSJ:

Mr. Schweitzer was a keynote speaker at the Democratic convention in 2008 and was trumpeted as the new brand of centrist, fiscally pragmatic Democrats. Too bad he’s not running Congress. After the election the Washington Democrats forgot that message and blew out the national balance sheet with an unprecedented spending binge. If President Obama and other Democrats want to rehabilitate themselves in 2010, they could do worse than follow Mr. Schweitzer’s common-sense lead and cut federal agency spending by 5 percent.

The one problem with this editorial is that Schweitzer hasn’t cut state agencies’ budgets by 5 percent, he has only asked for state agencies to prepare “contingency plans” in case he decides to. But the governor should be given some credit for keeping the state in the black when only his colleague in North Dakota can say the same