It’s Earth Day today (April 22) and the Citizens for a Better Flathead had a few good ideas of how to celebrate.
The group sent along a helpful list of upcoming events that will benefit the environment and help you get rid of some potentially hazardous materials, including old electronics and prescription medication.
Here it is:
•8th Annual Small Business Hazardous Waste Collection Event
Offers county businesses a cost effective, easy, and legally compliant way to dispose of hazardous wastes. Friday, May 21, 2010 at the Flathead County Landfill. Most Flathead businesses generate hazardous wastes from work related or maintenance related activities. Look for warning words on the label to identify hazardous wastes including: Danger, Poison, Caution, Flammable, Caustic, or Hazardous.Typical disposal costs for business-generated hazardous waste are greatly reduced by taking advantage of reduced group fees for small businesses at the annual Small Business Hazardous Waste Collection Event. The event will be held at the Flathead County Landfill on Hwy. 93, midway between Kalispell and Whitefish. To pre-register call 756-8993 by May 19, 2010. For more information or to request a pre-registration packet, call the Waste Not Project at 756-8993.
•Every 3rd Saturday is the Residential Hazardous Waste Collection Event
For homeowners, renters, and individuals where you can take your household hazardous waste (not electronic waste) to the landfill on every third Saturday of the month. This collection is free and accepts products including leftover oil-based paints, pesticides or herbicides, automotive products and cleaners, and poisons. Call the Flathead County Landfill at 758-5910 for details and to pre-register.•Flathead Vall-E-Waste Day -Electronic Equipment Recycling
For a small fee, residents and businesses can bring their unwanted electronics (computers, TVs, cell phones, and more) to this annual spring event. Collected E-Waste will be recycled here in the U.S. using environmentally sound processes!Valley Recycling, Flathead County Solid Waste District, Tatoonie, the WasteNot Project/Citizens for a Better Flathead, Montana Conservation Corps, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, and the Boiler Room all bring you the E-waste collection event on Saturday May 22, 2010 from 9 am to 2pm, at Valley Recycling 1410 Hwy. 2 West Kalispell. Please call Valley Recycling (406)257-2574 if you have any questions.
Why E-Waste Day? • For every 10,000 tons of e-waste that are dumped in a landfill or incinerated, one job is created. For every 10,000 tons of e-waste that is reused or recycled, 250 jobs are created. •Your computer monitor contains 4 lbs. of lead.
•Operation Medicine Cabinet – Unused and Unwanted Prescription Drug Disposal Day
Do you have leftover prescription drugs that you are not sure what to do with? Unused and unwanted prescription drugs pose a threat to water quality and public health. Properly disposing of your unwanted prescription drugs can help keep pharmaceuticals out of the water supply and out of the hands of drug abusers. Nationally, Montana ranks third in teen misuse of prescription drugs. On June 5th, 2010, as part of a statewide program, you will be able to safely dispose of your unwanted prescription drugs at this free event. There will be two drop-off locations; the Flathead County Health Department in Kalispell and the North Valley Hospital in Whitefish from 9am to 3pm. For questions call 756-8993. This event is brought to you by the Montana Attorney General’s office, the Flathead County Solid Waste District, the Flathead City/County Health Department, the Northwest Montana Drug Task Force, the WasteNot Project/Citizens for a Better Flathead, and participating pharmacies and health care agencies.•Landfill and Compost Garden Tours for School Groups and Others
Landfill tours are still available! Call to schedule a tour today! Tours will provide background about the science and engineering that goes into managing a community’s garbage. Participants will also see the role that waste reduction, recycling, and composting play. The field trips are free and provide participants a two hour guided tour of the landfill, hazardous waste center, and compost garden. Hands-on activities on recycling, composting and vermiculture composting (composting with worms), and zero-waste practices are options too. The tours are available through June 4, 2010. Tours for school groups, clubs or adults can be scheduled by contacting Ginny Wilson, Waste Not Project Coordinator at 756-8993. The public is welcome to take a self-guided tour of the compost garden located at the landfill at any time.CONTACT:
Flathead Vall-E-Waste Day – Valley Recycling (406)257-2574
Business Hazardous Waste, Operation Medicine Cabinet, Landfill Tours – the WasteNot Project (406)756-8993
Now go pick up a piece of litter.