
On Tap: Elite Professional Bull Riding, Home and Garden Tour, “Hair”

By Beacon Staff

Live Music:
John Floridus at Crush Wine Bar; Wartime Blues and Butter at Kickin’ Chicken; Drum Brothers Bigfork Outdoor Concert; Friday Night Live at Blue Canyon; Savannah Jack at Great Northern Bar; Wilbur Rehman at Symes Hot Springs Hotel; Off in the Woods at The Raven; Yabba Griffith at Ricciardi’s; DJ at Club KaLi; Everyday Prophets at Craggy Range Bar and Grill; Dangerous at Fatt Boys Bar and Grill

Saturday: Yaak Wilderness Music Festival at Turner Mountain Ski Area; Craig Barton at Lawrence Park; Flashback at Pin and Cue; Night at the Landing at Stillwater Landing; Smart Alex at Great Northern Bar; Karoke with Jody at Grizzly Jacks; Open Mike Jam Night at Ricciardi’s; Odyssey at Symes Hot Springs Hotel; Everyday Prphets at Kickin’ Chicken; DJ Forest Fire at Club KaLi; Truck Stop Inferno at Silver Bullet Bar; Dangerous at Fatt Boys; Moonshine Mountain at Craggy Range Bar and Grill

Elite Professional Bul lriding followed by Teri Clark in concert at Majestic Valley Arena
Saturday: Elite Professional Bull Riding followed by Joe Nichols in concert at Majestic Valley Arena; Swan Range Hikes; Saturday Overlook Walks

Arts and Events:
Bibler Home and Gardens Summer Tours; Shout! at FVCC; Hair at Whitefish Performing Arts Center; That’s the Poop at John Dowdall Theatre; Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at Bigfork Summer Playhouse; Hypnotist Ron Stubbs at Outlaw Hotel;

Saturday: Kalispell Farmers’ Market at Kalispell Center Mall; Bigfork Farmer’s Market at Bigfork High School parking lot; Volunteer Orientation at Humane Society; Storytime at Borders; Frenzy with Kathy at All about Memories; Bear Fair at Izaak Walton inn; AfroFusion Dance at O’Shaughnessy Center; Pie Social and BBQ at Mountain Brook Community Library; Nature Baby Clothing Swap at Flathead County Library; Railway District Annual Block Party at Railroad District; Shout! at FVCC; Hair at Whitefish Performing Arts Center; That’s the Poop at John Dowdall Theatre; Sugar Babies at Bigfork Summer Playhouse;

For a full listing of times, other events and what’s happening on Sunday go to www.flatheadevents.net.