HELENA – The Senate on Monday endorsed an amended version of the governor’s plan to give pay raises to state workers who have been laboring under a multi-year wage freeze.
The original plan would have increased wages by 5 percent for two years. The House reduced that amount by 25 percent, leaving the governor’s office a lump sum of $113 million dollars to allocate in raises.
House Republicans originally tried to designate raises only to employees who hadn’t received increases during the pay freeze, but the House passed a version that would allow the governor’s office to use its discretion in distributing raises.
Senators from both sides of the aisle said House Bill 13 was a good compromise, including Sen. Jon Sesso, D-Butte, who attempted to put more money back into the plan with an amendment that failed.
Sen. Alan Olson, R- Roundup, said the measure would give hardworking employees a much needed raise.
The Senate gave its initial support of the measure in a 35-13 vote Monday.
The chamber also endorsed an amended version of House Bill 5, which allots money for building projects, with an initial 31-19 vote.
The amended measure includes $39 million for Missoula College construction and a new science building at Montana State University at Billings.
The bill also partially funds a land acquisition for Great Falls College.
But not everyone got what they wanted out of the deal.
An amendment backed by Sen. Christine Kaufmann, D-Helena, would have granted the Montana Historical Society $32 million to construct a new building.
It failed to get the Republican majority’s support.
Both measures will need to pass a final vote before facing Gov. Steve Bullock.