HELENA — Many of Montana’s elected officials will receive a pay raise on July 1 based on the average salary received by people with the same jobs in five surrounding states.
Lee Newspapers of Montana reports Attorney General Tim Fox will see the largest increase, of 11.3 percent, to $115,817.
The pay for Gov. Steve Bullock, Lt. Gov. John Walsh and Superintendent of Public Instruction Denise Juneau will remain the same. Bullock’s annual salary is $108,167; Walsh’s is $86,362 and Juneau’s is $104,635.
Secretary of State Linda McCulloch and Auditor Monica Lindeen will receive a 2.4 percent raise to just over $88,000.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Mike McGrath will get a 2.9 percent raise to $126,908. The other justices receive just over $124,000. District Court judges receive $117,600.
Members of the Public Service Commission receive about $98,000 annually.