Page 11 - Flathead Beacon // 1.15.13
P. 11
JANUARY 15, 2014 | 11
New Mayor Sets Positive Tone in Troy
Darren Coldwell takes
that in March 2011 the mayor cashed a bors need a helping hand. Most recently,
oice following two check to cover travel expenses that were that outpouring of support was shown to
the never approved; that Banning had gone the victims of an apartment ire in De-
chaotic years at City Hall
ahead with the construction of a picnic cember. Following the blaze, local resi-
area at a local park and never consulted dents donated everything from clothing
the council; and that Banning had gone to furniture to help the victims.
By JUSTIN FRANZ of the Beacon
forward with the codii-
Coldwell has quick-
cation of city ordinances ly made changes at City
Two years after a recall election split
but never told anyone. Hall. Soon after being
the community and its city government, Banning maintained that sworn in, he created two
the town of Troy has elected a new may- he was only doing his job committees: one to look
or who is trying to set a positive tone at and that McCully was into purchasing a new
City Hall. Darren Coldwell was sworn in trying to grab more pow- excavator and another to
on Jan. 2 as the town’s third mayor in as er for herself.
review the city’s outdated
many years.
Election oicials ac-
drug policy.
Coldwell replaced Mayor Tony cepted the petition and,
“I want to make im-
Brown, who served for a year and a half after Banning tried to
provements, I don’t want
after Donald Banning was ousted in a re- ight the efort in court, a
to be a rubber stamper
call election in May 2012. Coldwell was recall election was held in
who just shows up once a
elected in November with nearly 70 per- May. Banning lost by 67
month,” he said.
cent of the vote, taking 225 ballots com- votes and on June 8 the
He said he hopes to at-
pared to Brown’s 98. The new mayor said council selected Brown
tract new business to the
he had thought about running in the past to inish out Banning’s area, saying that while
and inally decided to take the plunge in DarrenColdwell term. But even with a
recent layofs have been
2013. He has run Booze N’ Bait, a liquor new mayor, councilor Joe Arts said in- hard, it also means that there is a large
and sporting goods store in Troy, since ighting persisted. He said he was hope- workforce ready to be on the job. He
ful about having new faces on the coun- touted Troy and Lincoln County’s qual-
“I want to put a positive foot for- cil. Along with Coldwell, Dallas Carr and ity of life and inexpensive cost of living
ward,” he said. “I hope to set the tone Kimberly Rowse were newly elected to as attractions to prospective businesses.
that we are going to be a positive force.”
the council.
Coldwell invites anyone to stop into
Rumblings of political unrest be- “I think this will be a great improve- City Hall if they have grievances or want
gan in Troy during the winter of 2012, ment over what we had,” Arts said. “We to meet with him. He plans on being
two years after Banning was irst elect- want to heal the city government after available on Monday morning and af-
ed. In January, city councilor Fran Mc- the past four years.”
ternoons and Tuesday through Friday,
Cully began circulating a petition to Coldwell said he is excited about get- from 3:30 to 5 p.m., “unless it’s sunny
recall Banning. Among the reasons she ting Troy residents involved with their out and there’s a potential for golf,” he
gave were that Banning had tried to local government. He said he wants to said.
ire then-City Attorney Charles Evans tap into the town’s rich community sprit [email protected]
without consent from the city council;
that is most often displayed when neigh-
Libby, Polson Searching for New City Attorneys
Libby’s James Reintsma will plans on continuing to practice law. In the next six months. Newly elected May-
the coming months, the city will begin or Heather Knutson said the city com-
stay on until end of year; searching for a new attorney, which will mission would look at how it may change
Richard Gebhardt serving as be appointed by Roll
the city attorney po-
interim in Polson
with the approval of sition, possibly hir- “THE PRIMARY GOAL
council. Roll said the ing either a full-time
city attorney gets paid lawyer or part-time (OF APPOINTING
By JUSTIN FRANZ of the Beacon
about $60,000 annu- one. The six-month
ally and it’s a busy po- period will inish out GEBHARDT) WAS TO FILL
Two Northwest Montana towns are sition.
the city’s iscal year. THE NEED. THIS GIVES US
searching for new city attorneys. Libby’s “It’s pretty much Gebhardt is being paid
James Reintsma and Polson’s James a full-time post,” Roll $100 an hour.
Raymond both recently announced that said. “There’s really “The primary goal MOVEFORWARD.”
they would be leaving their posts.
too many cases for (of appointing Geb-
Raymond has held his position for just one person.”
hardt) was to ill the Heather Knutson, Polson Mayor
more than a decade and resigned during During his three-
need,” she said. “This
a Dec. 23 meeting. His resignation was year tenure, Reintsma
gives us lexibility to
efective immediately. On Jan. 6, Rich- butted heads with one
move forward.”
ard Gebhardt was appointed to ill Ray- city councilor. In late 2012, councilor Gebhardt has served as deputy
mond’s place for six months. Reintsma Allen Olsen accused the lawyer of play- county attorney for Missoula and Sand-
will serve out the reminder of his term ing politics when he threatened the out- ers counties and the city attorney for
until the end of 2014.
spoken councilman and then mayoral Ronan, Hot Springs and Plains.
“Jim was a really good it and he did a candidate with censure. Reintsma said Knutson said once the city commis-
good job for us. I hate to see him go,” said Olsen was making statements about an sion determines how it wants to move
Libby Mayor Doug Roll. “(Being a city at- area business that was drawing the ire forward with the city attorney position
torney) is a thankless position, especial- from citizens and could have left the city that Gebhardt or anyone else would be
ly in a small city.”
open to legal trouble.
welcomed to apply.
Reintsma will be moving to Ore- In Polson, Gebhardt will serve as city [email protected]
gon with his family later this year and
attorney until a new one can be found in