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Of the Blogs

A weekly look at the best from the Beacon blogs

It’s time for
is Creating High-Paying Jobs.”
This half-day seminar and luncheon

will highlight economic trends for lo- 
BULLOCK STAYS MUM ON cal, state and national economies. UM 
POSSIBLE SENATE Bureau of Business and Economic Re- 
search economists Patrick Barkey and 
If Montana Gov. Steve Bullock is any Paul Polzin will present economic fore- 
closer to deciding who to appoint to the casts for each seminar city, and indus- 
U.S. Senate if Max Baucus is conirmed try experts will provide the outlook for 

as the next ambassador to China, he isn’t Montana’s important sectors: energy, 
nonresident travel, health care, agricul- 
The Democratic governor fended ture, real estate, manufacturing and for- 
of reporters’ questions last week about est products.
how he plans to go about vetting candi- The seminar in Kalispell is Feb. 14 
dates and his timeline for illing the seat at the Hilton Garden Inn. It runs from 
if Baucus resigns before his term is up in 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration costs $80, 
January 2015.
which includes a booklet, lunch and a 

“Certainly I’ve been thinking about one-year subscription to Montana Busi- 
it, certainly I’ve heard from Montanans ness Quarterly, BBER’s award-winning 
expressing their interest,” Bullock said. business journal. Continuing education 
“There’s a statutory timeline for what credits are available, and groups of ive or 
needs to be done. We’ve looked at that. more qualify for discounted registration.
But as far as sort of the details of any 
process and things like that, I’m going to 
The culinary event of the year!
hold of until there is an actual opening.”
Republican legislative leaders sent 
Bullock a letter Thursday calling for STUDY SHOWS LARGE 18 Mouthwatering 
transparency in the process of select- CARNIVORE NUMBERS, RANGE 
ing a replacement. Senate President Jef DECLINING WORLDWIDE
Essmann, House Speaker Mark Blas- New research co-written by Univer- 
del, Senate Majority Leader Art Wit- sity of Montana scientists inds steep Lobster Dishes!
tich and House Majority Leader Gordon declines in the worldwide populations 
Vance asked three questions of Bullock: and habitat range of 31 large carnivore J
How will he identify and select a person, species. The analysis, published Jan. 9 
when will the process begin and how will in “Science,” shows that 77 percent of 
he include the public?
the studied species – including tiger, 
“I don’t think this should be a back- lion, dingo and puma – are decreasing in 16,17 & 18 
room political deal,” Essmann said.
Montana law gives the governor the The study shows that 17 of the spe- 
power to make a temporary appointment cies occupy less than half their normal 

to ill a Senate vacancy until an election habitat range. These changes have seri- 
is held, but it does not lay out a timeline ous environmental consequences, the n 
or process for doing so. The decision is authors argue. Large carnivores are vul- The fu
Bullock’s alone — there is no candidate nerable to extinction because of their rts at Save the date!
nominating committee, such as the state low population densities and their need stam.
panel to ill vacant judgeships.
to roam widely to search for food. These 3p.
President Barack Obama formally animals are essential to the health of an 

nominated Baucus for the ambassador- ecosystem and also provide social and 
ship, but the Montana Democrat must economic beneits for humans.
See the menu on
be conirmed by the Senate.
“Ecosystems depend on large carni- 
vores to control herbivores like deer and 
populations of smaller carnivores,” said 
Associate Professor of ungulate habitat 
Mark Hebblewhite, who co-wrote the 
ECONOMIC OUTLOOK SEMINAR study with Joel Berger, a colleague of the 

UM College of Forestry and Conserva- 
RightNow Technologies was found- tion, along with scientists from across 
ed in 1997 in a spare bedroom in Boze- the U.S.
man. By the time the company was ac- “We suggest that losing a population 
quired by Oracle in 2012 for more than of large carnivore doesn’t just impact 
$1.8 billion, RightNow was Bozeman’s that species, but an entire landscape.”
largest commercial employer and the Further declines in the populations 

only publicly traded technology compa- of these large carnivores will lead to 
ny in the state.
changes in plant species diversity, bio- 
Greg Gianforte, founder of Right- mass and productivity, according to the 
Now Technologies, will give a irsthand study, and these vegetation changes will Huge Breakfasts to Certiied Angus Beef Steaks • Cocktails • Montana Microbrews
account of this Montana success story have a wide-ranging inluence on other ® 
at the 39th Annual Montana Economic species. Carnivore losses also will im- 1301 S. Main St. | (406)260-4401
Outlook Seminar, “Making Montana the pact wildlife disease dynamics, wildire 
First Best Place: How Entrepreneurship
and carbon sequestration.
If you’re nearby, visit us in Great Falls, Butte and Missoula!

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