Page 7 - Flathead Beacon // 3.5.14
P. 7

MARCH 5, 2014 | 7

Q & A with Maggie Voisin

By DILLON TABISH of the Beacon
nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s an er thought to make it as far as I did. to and that for me was super exciting, 
honorable feeling. And that show was Just to think about how far I’ve come, to be able to inally compete against 
Before last week’s homecoming
just incredible to watch in person.
that’s more exciting. Like I said it was them and get to know them . It was 

ceremonies kicked of, Maggie Voisin disappointing not to be able to com- really cool to meet other people from 
spoke with members of the local me- Q: After you came to the realization pete but I’ll be back. I’m not going any- other countries.
dia, describing her unforgettable sea- that you weren’t going to be able to where.
son, what it was like to be at the Olym- compete, you got to soak in the expe- Q: Now do you spend the next couple 
pics and what the future has in store.
rience, how did it feel to sit back and Q: Seeing the Olympic slopestyle com- years preparing for next Winter Olym- 
watch the Games?
petition and the girls and the tricks pics?
Q: Welcome home, Maggie. How’s it they put together, did you ind yourself 

feel to be back home?
MAGGIE: All my friends were done saying ‘Maybe I could’ve made it up MAGGIE: For us in our sport, it doesn’t 
(competing in slopestyle skiing) and there on the podium?’
really go by four years. Every year we 
MAGGIE: Thank you. It’s crazy. It we were able to go down to the coast have Dew Tour. We have X Games. 
doesn’t even feel like I was in Russia, and watch hockey and just experience MAGGIE: I was skiing very well at Right now I’m not worried about the 
what two days ago? It feels really good everything. I got to watch bobsledding the time and I deinitely had a run next Olympics. I’m going to take it day 
to be home. I haven’t been home since and luge, stuf I would never usually that could’ve been on the podium, but by day, year by year, and just have fun 
Christmas, and it’s nice to just come watch. It was just an incredible expe- things change and you never know, but and see where it takes me.
back and be able to relax.
rience. It’s one obviously that will last it was exciting to be there. The whole 

me forever.
freeskiing community is a team in Q: You’re juggling a lot of stuf, like 
Q: What were the Winter Olympics general . We all know each other and school, training and now healing. How 
like? What were some of your favorite Q: Did it make it easier not competing are all supportive of each other. I was do you do it?
memories from Sochi?
knowing that in four years you will be so excited to be able to support them 
19 and could be in the next Olympics?
and they were all there to support me.
MAGGIE: For me it’s just managing 
MAGGIE: Obviously I went down with my time . Now that I have so much 
hopes of competing, but outside of that MAGGIE: I was ready now. It was dei- Q: Did you get a chance to meet some time of, it will be so easy . I don’t re- 

I really enjoyed everything. I think nitely something that wasn’t easy to people that you hadn’t met and that ally worry. I get to do what I love. It’s 
my favorite moment was opening cer- get over but I was super glad I could you’d been watching for awhile?
fun to do something you really enjoy 
emonies, that feeling of just walking still be there. And it was incredible and get to do it all the time.
out onto the stage with your whole that I made it that far. I have such an MAGGIE: In the season, I was able to 
country. It’s an incredible feeling, like
amazing season to look back on. I nev-
compete against girls that I looked up

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