Page 10 - Flathead Beacon // 6.11.14
P. 10
10 | JUNE 11, 2014 NEWS
Three Incumbents Ousted from
Splintered Blackfeet Council
Numbers in the news
Chairman Willie Sharp
$349 million
falls short in June 3
Money forecast to remain
primary election
in the state’s general
fund at the end of the
2015 budget period; the
By JUSTIN FRANZ of the Beacon
largest major source of
funding revenue, about
Regardless of what side voters support
in the Blackfeet Tribal Business Coun- 50 percent, comes from
cil’s splintered government, one thing was individual income taxes,
clear following the June 3 primary elec-
tion – “the people want change.”
which are in line with
Three incumbents, including Chair- estimates. Corporate
man Willie Sharp Jr., were ousted during income taxes, however,
the election on the reservation east of the are coming in below what
divide. Now, 10 candidates are jockeying
for ive open spots on the council that will was estimated.
be determined during the June 24 general
“The people want change and no one 48
is happy about this impasse that has gone
on for nine months now,” said Shannon Campaign signs in Browning. GREG LINDSTROM | FLATHEAD BEACON Days the average
Augare, a state senator and tribal council Montana veteran patient
member who decided not to run for re- things to move this tribe forward,” Sharp
election this year.
said. “I hope people move on.”
waits for their irst ap-
In the race to represent Browning Dis- “THE PEOPLE WANT CHANGE
Although more than 3,000 people vot- pointment with a primary
trict No. 2, Sharp, who received just 136 ed in the June 3 primary, some questioned
votes, lost to Harry Barnes and Glenda AND NO ONE IS HAPPY if the election was even legal. This year’s care doctor, more than
three times longer than
Daisy Gilham. Incumbent Allen “Shane” ABOUT THIS IMPASSE THAT election board was selected by Sharp’s
Goss lost to Jody A. Guardipee and Ilif faction and was not recognized by the Bu- the VA’s goal of 14 days.
“Scott” Kipp Sr. to represent Old Agency HAS GONE ON FOR NINE reau of Indian Afairs.
District No. 8. In the Seville District No. 6 “The election was still not recognized
race, incumbent Leon Vielle lost the pri- MONTHS NOW.”
by Roger Running Crane’s faction or the 28
mary to Stacey A. Gilham and Tyson T. BIA,” Augare said. “But I think the com-
Running Wolf. The only incumbent who Shannon Augare
munity felt an obligation to partake in
did not lose their bid for re-election was Overall position that
this election and let Willie Sharp’s faction
Paul McEvers, who will face Joseph McK- know that they’ve had enough.”
Whiteish’s Jason
ay in the general election to represent Sharp said that determining the le- Falcon inished among
Browning District No. 3. In Heart Butte Chief, Forestina Calf Boss Ribs and Chief gality of the election is in the BIA’s court, 1,242 competitors at the
District No. 4, David Spotted Eagle Sr. Earl Old Person, in selecting a new chair- but as far as he is concerned the election
will face Nelse St. Goddard in the general. men by a secret ballot.
was legitimate and the general will go for- Ironman 70.3 event in
More than 80 tribal members were on the Sharp, who was selected chairman in ward on June 24. He said he hopes the new Kansas; Falcon qualiied
primary ballot.
2012, said the tribal council frustrated council works together and resolves the
for the Ironman World
Following the general election, the him over the last two years. The reserva- pressing issues on the reservation.
ive new members will be sworn in dur- tion’s governing body has been mired in “It’s up to the new council to walk the
ing North American Indian Days in early inighting that led it to split into two dif- walk and do what they promised during
July. Those ive will join the four cur- ferent factions late last year.
the campaign,” Sharp said.
rent members: Cheryl Little Dog, Bill Old
“I think we could have done great
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