Page 17 - Flathead Beacon // 6.11.14
P. 17

JUNE 11, 2014 | 17

The Northwest Montana Veterans Food Pantry. 

tion has expressed its disappointment VA SCANDAL though he wasn’t sure when. Since he interacts with so many 
over the state of the VA.
“Montana’s veterans don’t mince
MAY 28
veterans at the food pantry, Erickson 
Montana Sen. Jon Tester, a mem- TIMELINE
words, they don’t candy-coat,” Tester works closely with the local VA outpa- 
ber of the Senate Veterans Afairs said. “(These sessions) really allow us VA inspector general tient clinic in Kalispell. He believes 
Committee since 2007, announced to get the straight, clear information.”
releases scathing report the staf there are highly capable and 
June 1 that he remains an active According to the Department of that the investigation, dedicated. (Requests for information 
part of an emerging bill that would APRIL
Veterans Afairs, Montana had over initially focused on the or comment from the Kalispell clinic 
strengthen the role of the VA’s Of- 101,000 veterans living here as of Sep- Phoenix hospital, found were referred to the state VA oice.)
ice of the Medical Inspector, making Former Phoenix VA clinic tember 2013, with more than 77,000 systemic problems in “We’ve got some awesome people 
director Dr. Samuel Foote the VA’s sprawling na- 
their reports public. The Senate Vet- starts alerting inspector of them having served in wartime.
at the clinic,” he said. “I just don’t like 
eran Afairs Committee Chairman general and media, alleg- Montana has one of the high- tionwide system, which the whole system.”
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont, intro- ing that up to 40 veter- est rates of veterans per capita in provides medical care to 
duced the bill, called the Restoring ans may have died while the country, with veterans making about 6.5 million vets.
rickson joined the U.S. Navy 
Veterans’ Trust Act.
awaiting treatment at the up more than 10 percent of the state when he was 17 years old, in
During an interview, Tester said population. The VA estimates more MAY 30
January 1957. His mother had
he would like to see prosecutions in Phoenix hospital and that than 9,300 veterans live in Flathead Shinseki resigns, a day to sign of on his enlistment because 
cases of intentional misconduct in staf, at the instruction County.
after Montana VA direc- he was under 18. Erickson worked in- 
of administrators, kept tor Christine Gregory 
a secret list of patients One of the issues brought to the tercommunications on ships, with the 
“We’re putting some money to- waiting for appointments fore in the latest VA scandal is the announced she will retire rank of IC3. He served in the Paciic, 
ward the inspector general; there’s to hide delays in care. He sheer amount of veterans coming back at the end of June.
trained with the U.S. Marines in the 
been a lot of allegations, we need to believes administrators from combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. jungles of Guam, and ensured ships 
ind out what the facts are,” Tester kept the of-the-books It is estimated about 2.5 million men JUNE 1
were headed in the correct direction 
said. “We’re also supporting language and women served in those two wars, U.S. senators announce and had communications.
that if there’s criminal wrongdoing, to list to impress their most of them making multiple tours.
legislation to address VA “When I went into the service, I 
bosses and get bonuses.
have the Department of Justice step The current system is not was ready to die for my country,” Er- 
up. If people kept veterans out inten- MAY 15
equipped to handle these veterans ickson said. “I was raised to not be 
tionally, they need to pay the price.”
VA Secretary Eric Shin- and the problems they’re returning JUNE 6
afraid and to use my brain.”
Tester also announced a listen- seki appears before the home with, Erickson said, especially Acting VA Secretary He received his inal discharge 
ing tour of Montana, where he will Senate Veterans Afairs the mental health issues stemming Sloan Gibson announces from the Navy in 1963, without seeing 
sit with local veterans as they discuss from post-traumatic stress disorder that at least 18 other any combat. But during his time sta- 
their issues and the problems they’ve Committee amid calls for and traumatic brain injury.
veterans died while on VA tioned on Guam, he remembers the 
seen in the state. The tour will start in his resignation, and says “You’re working in the 21st cen- waiting lists.
trucks that would spray the roads and 
he welcomes a White 
Anaconda on June 14, and Tester said House review of his tury with a 19th-century mindset,” he the sides of the roads with Agent Or- 
there would be a stop in Kalispell,
beleaguered department.
ange, an herbicide and defoliant used

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