Page 20 - Flathead Beacon // 6.11.14
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20 | JUNE 11, 2014

Big Sky Bash
Police Blotter
Saturday, July 12, 2014 • J. Neils Park • Libby
h a
Crime briefs from the Kalispell Police & Flathead County Sherif’s reports
GATES OPEN at 6pm • Opening Performance at 7PM • along with Copper Mountain Band

rador retriever was stolen out of their
9:54 a.m. Someone called from a local front yard.

park to report that a man there was 11:31 a.m. A lab and two pit bulls, all
lying in the grass in what looked to be three described as terrorists, were on
an awkward position. An oicer found the run down Eighth Avenue West. 
the man comfortably napping in the 1:43 p.m. A Coram man who may or
may not have been intoxicated re- 
12:04 p.m. An Airport Road resident ported that someone accused him of 
reported that someone went into their attempting to sell a stolen gun back to 

backyard and poured gasoline on the the original owner.
“No Trespassing” sign, smashed a 2:09 p.m. Someone reported that an Fundraising Concert to Beneit The Center for Aesbestos Related Disease Foundation (CARD)
bunch of toys and took the ice cream aggravated tourist open-palm slapped Visit or call 406-293-9274 for tickets & more info
from the freezer and spread it around the passenger side window of his rent- 
the yard.
al car, causing it to shatter.
12:33 p.m. A Hungry Horse resident 3:50 p.m. A Hungry Horse woman re- 24-Hour Local 
called in to talk about drugs and tran- ported that her neighbor jumped of Alarm Monitoring
sient motorcycle gangs.
his bike and “charged” her. Apparent- 

2:47 p.m. One Kalispell resident re- ly, he thought she was trying to steal 
ported that the neighbor’s dog was his dog. She claimed that she found his 
loose, forcing others in the neighbor- dog and wanted to return it.
hood to arm themselves with shovels.
9:31 p.m. A homeless man called from 
5:34 p.m. Someone threw a rock Coram to report that two women 
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trespassers were a bunch “elderly lib- Temperature Alarm Monitoring Camera Surveillance 8:42 p.m. An extremely agitated wom-
eral women.”
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woman reportedly chased the other Call us today for your free quote! 1-800-877-7619 or 756-5533
woman down then punched her and
8:51 a.m. Someone reported that
pulled her hair.
a seemingly intoxicated man was 10:58 p.m. A Hungry Horse resident Best in the world at delivering electronic security services.
perched on the side of Center Street complained that four 12-year-olds 
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playing with silverware. The man told were running loose behind his house 
an oicer that he was on medication, and screaming.
but was just felt generally “happy.”
3:29 a.m. Someone staying in a camper 
9:28 a.m. A resident on Eighth Avenue parked on Flathead Drive reported Maybe Dad will share.
West complained that his neighbor that someone had been outside shak- 
was outside practicing his elk bugle ing it. A deputy found that a deer had 
run into it and left a dent.
4:11 p.m. A local woman reported that 

she received, as a gift, a human skull TUESDAY 6/3
from a man with dementia.
8:41 a.m. A woman on Shelter Ridge 
7:44 p.m. A Bigfork woman reported called in to report that the local bun- 
that her adult son, who lives in a tent nies have eaten all of her lowers.
out back, threw a dinner plate.
9:17 a.m. A Conrad Drive resident re- 
8:24 p.m. A man on Highway 35 in Big- ported that earlier that morning he 
fork had a neighbor call 911 for him to watched a kid shove a wad of weeds 

report that his soon-to-be ex-room- into his mailbox.
mate stole a hat from another neigh- 3:42 p.m. A Kalispell resident reported 
bor. The victim neighbor later told a that his neighbor threatened to shoot 
deputy that she found her hat on her him after he threatened to shoot the 
hat rack.
man’s dog if it trampled his lowerbed 
7:56 p.m. A barely mobile, intoxicated 
2:43 p.m. A woman called from the man using a walker refused assistance 

library to report that someone had crossing Highway 35 to buy a pack of 
stolen her bike. She called back a short cigarettes.
time later, claiming that she had just 9:44 p.m. A Hagerman Lane resident 
forgotten where she had parked it.
reported that someone’s cattle was in 
4:37 p.m. A pig with “holes in it” was his garden.
seen running down an alley on Fourth 
Avenue East. It was returned to its WEDNESDAY 6/4
7:54 a.m. 
An Evergreen resident with
12:51 a.m. Kids were reportedly shoot- a habitually loose dog claimed that he 
ing ireworks out the window of a car would rather pay ines than try to keep 
traveling down Sixth Street West. his dog out of the road.
They were returned to their parents.
10:12 a.m. A Bigfork resident reported 
that a life-size ceramic statue of a Lab-

444 Electric Avenue Open 6am to 3pm every day 
Bigfork, Montana

For daily police reports, visit

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