Page 9 - Flathead Beacon // 11.20.13
P. 9
NOVEMBER 20, 2013 | 9
is a cricket fanatic – particularly because
Pakistan’s soccer team has had little suc-
“Our soccer team, it sucks,” he said. “I READER
am not proud of my soccer team but I am
very, very proud of my cricket team.”
During his events and presentations, POLL
he wears his traditional cultural dress,
a white garb called a “shalwar kameez,” FLATHEADBEACON.COM
which consists of baggy pants that taper
at the ankles and a shirt that hangs down Do You Think Obamacare
to the knees. At a recent presentation to Will Eventually Reach its
FVCC’s Global Friends student club, where Enrollment Goals?
he drew praise for his thorough summa-
tion of Pakistani culture and history, he
also proudly donned a sport jacket bear-
ing a YES youth ambassadorship lapel pin,
which displays the American and Paki-
stani lags in tandem.
The YES program operates in 42 coun-
tries, and Pakistan sends the most ambas-
sadors. The program oicially launched
in Pakistan in 2003 in an efort to expand 41% YES 59% NO
communication and promote mutual un-
Bahlol Khan connects with the ball as he teaches a group of neighborhood friends how to play cricket at TOTAL VOTES: 213
derstanding and respect. Since then, over Soroptimist Park in Whiteish.
611 Pakistani students have completed the GREG LINDSTROM | FLATHEAD BEACON
YES program.
Are You Satisied with
Montana’s U.S. Senate and Khan’s host parents are Henry and Khan also drew inspiration to pursue derstanding.
Essie Roberts, who decided to host an ex- the ambassadorship from the high-proile “I support Islamic ideology, but I am
House Candidate Fields?
change student after their son befriended activism of Malala Yousafzai, the 16-year- not radical about Islamic ideology,” he
a YES student at Whiteish High and en- old Pakistani student who rose to promi- said. “Extremist Islamic ideology is not ac-
couraged his parents to look into the pro- nence while writing a blog for the BBC ceptable.”
gram. under a pseudonym. The blog consisted
Regarding women’s rights, he said
“I’m amazed at what a great experience of journal entries detailing her life under Pakistani women do have rights and ac-
it has been,” Essie Roberts said. Taliban rule and its attempts to take over
cess to education, and disputed the notion
“Living with him has really given me the province.
that because women cover themselves in a
a lot of perspective and understanding She spoke out about the need for wom- hijab or burqa in public, they are being de-
about what life is like in such a place,” Hen- en’s rights and access to education. Last prived of their rights.
32% YES 68% NO ry Roberts said. year, she was shot in the head and neck in
He ofered the analogy of two candies,
Khan hails from a small village in a city an assassination attempt, which she nar- one wrapped and one unwrapped, and said
of 2 million people, the largest in the prov- rowly survived and continues to draw the the wrapped confection is always prefer-
ince of Balochistan. He speaks four lan- ire of the Taliban.
able because it will not have gotten dirt on
With More Retailers guages, including Urdo, the national lan- “She was really brave to talk about it.
Open, Will You Shop on guage, and English, which he speaks clear- this,” Khan said.
“It is important for us to dress appro-
Thanksgiving Day?
ly and articulately despite his protests that He continues to practice his religion in priately,” he said.
it is “very, very bad.” Whiteish, praying daily, and said his host
Khan said he believes the lack of under-
The basis for his interest in the YES standing between diferent cultures and
family is open minded and understanding;
program stems from the deteriorating re- they go out of their way to accommodate nations is the basis for much of the upheav-
lations between the U.S. and Pakistan, and respect his beliefs.
al in the world, and hopes that by answer-
which soured in recent years, particularly Khan said he hasn’t encountered any ing questions about Pakistani lifestyle,
after the 2011 NATO attack in Pakistan. intentionally ofensive stereotypes about culture and customs he will help bridge
Khan acknowledged that perceptions of his culture from American students, but that gap, especially as he realizes “there
the U.S. government tend to be negative recognizes that some Americans auto- are a lot of similarities between Pakistan
3YES 97NO in Pakistan, and that his country also has matically associate Islamic culture with and America.”
% %
many problems. However, he insisted, “we terrorism – “Do I look like a terrorist?” he “I’m not here to defend my govern-
do like American people,” and he hopes his asked, smiling.
ment. But I am here to represent my people
presentations elucidate any misconcep- He said most Muslims are not extrem- and my thoughts and ideas,” he said.
tions locals have about Pakistani and Is- ists and called for diplomatic solutions to [email protected]
lamic culture. terrorism, as well as broader cultural un-
New Beginnings
Starting together with