
Guest Column

Guest Column

The Devil Is Always in the Details

Wouldn’t the community of Columbia Falls and Flathead County want the highest standard of site remediation on CFAC land regardless of the future use?

By Coalition for a Clean CFAC
Guest Column

Put Voters Back in Charge

Open primaries take the power away from political parties and put it back in the hands of all voters where it belongs

By Bruce Tutvedt & Ted Kronebusch
Guest Column

Privacy vs. Due Process of Law

The Montana State Supreme Court has over the past several decades very effectively promulgated the myth of “Judicial Supremacy”

By John Fuller
Guest Column

Lack of Vision Helped Sink Pyramid Mountain Lumber

Solid and innovative solutions to significantly help the housing issues in Seeley Lake and other communities have been presented to regional leaders for years without any meaningful action

By Scott Snelson
Guest Column

The Attempted Sabatoging of SB 442

The litigation surrounding the bill sought to protect the Legislature’s authority under the Montana Constitution

By Montana Association of Counties