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Whitefish Care and Rehabilitation Center

hortStay Care and LongTerm 
Care in the heart of Whitefish.

Skilled nursing and rehabilitation 
therapy for adults of all ages who 
need short or long term care.

(406) 862-3557 • 1305 E. 7th St • Whitefish, MT 59937
O ccasionally you hear someone and DR. Julian Silverman, Research spe- 
speak about Roling. It’s quite cialist of the California Department of 
possible that you or someone you Mental Hygiene, conducted experiments at
know has experienced it. What is Roling- Agnews State Hospital where subjects were A HEALTHY LI FESTYLE BEGI NS HERE
Structural Integration? It is an inquiry into tested before and after Roling for changes 
the optimal functioning of the human be- in neurological control of the muscles, for • Delicious & OriginaL
ing, to be nothing short of the whole truth. variations in results from stimuli and for • 
It is a system of body re-education and biochemical changes. he results indicated
Celebrate Life One Bite at a Time • 
manipulation originally
that after Roling there
Diet and Allergen Conscious. 
known as structural inte- is more eicient use of Serving Breakfast and Lunch
8 am to 3 pm Tuesday - Saturday
gration and the product muscles, conserved energy, 
of 50 years of study and increased reinement of 406-752-8436
practice by creator, Dr. response, and a tendency 
Ida P. Rolf. Originally
for motor control to shift 21 5th Street East
an organic chemist with toward the more relexive 
the Rockefeller Institute, spinal centers.
Dr. Rolf perfected the In other words, Rolf- The Montana Center for
ry s 
technique of Roling ing reveals resource and ases
Structural Integration health that was always Laser Dentistry
ost cntiSh
over many years before available, more potential. Drs. Mark Colonna n mDeut s!*
establishing a training other research is ongoing & David M. Dodrill
program and a profes- within & without he he latest witDr
sional organization of Rolf Institute. Dr. Rolf ’s in dental 6516 Highway 93 S, Whiteish
around 1300 practitioners theory of body geometry technology
including: Lasers, 862-1010
led to the discovery that single appointment 
What separates
when an elbow, knee, or crowns, Digital XRays,
1874 Hwy 93 N, Kalispell
Roling from other so-
any other joint is properly VELscope to detect Oral 730-1010
matic practices is the
balanced, the individual
cancer, and much more...
Rolfers’ premise about a person’s relation- experiences an internal sense of rightness.
ship to themselves and to their environ- he body senses that when its natural 
ment: (1) most human beings are out of alignment in a single plane is no longer 
alignment with gravity (2) We function compromised there is a self-organizing A Healthy Lifestyle is a Choice
better when we are lined up with the order that is inherent in the nervous sys- 
gravitational ield (3) he human body is tem and in gravity. So in a new geometry, 
so plastic that its alignment can be brought there is a new orientation in space, which 
into harmony at anytime in a person’s life. feels much more secure than a body of it’s Valley Fitness for Women 
Research has shown that there is a more centerline of gravity. Each persons ideal 2141 US Highway 2
powerful sense of self, grace, ease, eiciency geometry depends on navigating a set of 752 - BODY (2639)
of movement and often the relief of stress contributing factors like a person’s history, An Exclusive Excercise Experience
caused by gravity resistant movement pat- injuries, and asymmetries, to formulate a 
sequence of sessions customized for each For Women Only
he body is inherently a continuous client.
matrix of connective tissue called fascia Dr. Rolf was famous for ofering free 
that surrounds, supports, and permeates clinics for children, whom can receive ben- Open 4am - 8pm Monday - Friday, Saturday 10am-4pm

every muscle, bone, nerve and organ of the eits as well. Sessions are around an hour 
body. Roling manipulates and re-educates and twenty minutes, and there are usually This New Year, Commit to a Healthy Personal Life Style
set holding patterns in the tissue and ner- at least 10-20 sessions with each as a con- 
vous system to release, realign, and balance tinuation of the previous one and a plat- “Imagine Living in a Light and Fluid Body”
the whole body, thus resolving discomfort, form for the next, with more work at later ROLFING
reducing compensations, and enabling a times if needed. Sessions can cost from • Posture
more authentic expression.
$120.00 per session and can be received • Balance
Fascia is the white body stocking un- weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Remember 
der the skin that envelops every part of the that your body is the most valuable posses- Structural Integration
• Movement
body giving you the shape or form of your sion ever so maintenance is priceless. he John R. Barton • Flexibility
body. he problem begins when injury, out- proper nutrition, exercise, and bodywork • Quality of life
of-balance movement and asymmetries are are extremely important.
Certified Advanced Rolfer
adopted by the body manifesting as inhibi- Roling is considered the premier 
tion, pain and dysfunction. he body will bodywork ofered by somatic therapists.
Realign Life’s twists and turns...
406-407-8220 • 159 N. Main • Kalispell
actually change shape to relect how it is It is not massage therapy and it cannot 
being used, thus structure and function are accurately be described as therapy. It is a 
two sides of the same coin.
process of re-education in which a Rolfer 
Research on Roling has begun to pro- seeks to help a client discover the most 
vide qualitative and quantitative data about eicient way of using the body and dis- 
its results. Dr. Valerie Hunt, Director of the seminating impressions given the dis-ease, 
Movement Behavior Laboratory at UCLA
asymmetries, and virtue of that body.

ROLFING John R. Barton 
Certified Advanced Rolfer
Structural Integration 406-407-8220 • 159 N. Main • Kalispell

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