Give the Man a Home
I find it interesting that cities will claim to be home for celebrities. I am referring to the Bulletin section of the July 11 issue of the Flathead Beacon (Fit For a Yellow Jersey).
The article refers to Butte cyclist, Levi Leipheimer, who finished third in the Tour de France last month. Being a resident of Sonoma County, Calif., Santa Rosa also claims to be home to Levi. This makes for great banter between cities.
It’s like listening to the two mayors of the cities involved in the World Series. Or, better yet, it’s similar to the arguments as to whom invented the classic American hamburger.
Carl Euphrat
Sonoma County, Calif.
Stand Up for Couple Who Lost Heard
With the recent stories about brucellosis and the devastating impact it had on Jim and Sandy Morgan of Bridger, we have an opportunity to do the right thing. If we as a community, county and state join to come alongside this couple, we could make a huge statement to our government and to each other.
We could make our voices heard and let our representatives know that if they expect us to make huge sacrifices, to give up all we have worked for or whatever they ask next for the good of the majority, we will stand up against the failure of the powers that be to treat us fairly in return. In the Morgans’ case, they were treated like common criminals when all along they were cooperative, and then were left with no help or support from the state that has, in their own words, “saved millions and millions of dollars” by the Morgans’ sacrifice.
Can we not see the injustice of it all, and do we think we are immune to such mistreatment? Any one of us could be next. Please do not be silent, for silence only emboldens and creates tyranny.
The Morgans have earned our support in word and/or financial compensation to ease the heartache and burden and help restore faith in humanity. Coming together in large number with a loud voice, we can make a statement: “We will not be at the mercy of such tyrannical, Gestapo tactics.”
Jackie Taylor
Applauding the Park
Thank you to Columbia Falls Mayor Fish and City Council Members: Karper, Plevel, Reikoski, and Shepard for voting to purchase the riverfront property as a park for Columbia Falls. Your visionary leadership and bold actions will serve our community now and will be applauded for decades to come.
Further thanks to the many citizens who participated in the public hearing Monday night, the ideas and insights you put forth should give council, city staff and potential park committee many facets to consider as plans for the park are flushed out over the coming years.
And finally, thank you to the Bells, Kenneth and Carole, who had the foresight and dedication to offer the city their beautiful property and to agree to sell it at well below market and appraised value. The community of Columbia Falls will be forever changed by your leadership and vision.
Kathie N. Lapcevic
First Best Place Task Force