We are so thankful for the prayers and support of the community following the death of our son, Jeffrey Bowman. Our loss is devastating, but our faith, and your kindness, have kept us on our feet.
About ten days ago, we learned that the Bigfork School District had completed their investigation and was planning to release a “Report” about what happened to our son. The emotional impact that such a Report would have on us is obvious. As a matter of basic decency, we asked the School District to provide us with a copy of that Report before it was released to the public.
Despite our specific request, neither Superintendent Kinzer, or anyone else with the School District, bothered to tell us about a “Special Meeting” of the School Board which had been called expressly to release the Report about the death of our son. That inexplicable decision has been particularly hurtful.
Instead, at about 8 p.m. on Sunday, October 7th, we received a call from a T.V. reporter who asked us if we were going to be at the Special Meeting of the School Board concerning the death of our son, which was going to be held the next day (October 8th). The reporter said that Superintendent Kinzer called him two days earlier to tell him about the meeting.
We asked the School District to delay the Special Meeting because they had not notified us about it. We needed time to emotionally prepare ourselves for it, and we wanted to see the Report before it was made public. The School District still has not given us a copy of the Report.
We want all honest and accurate information about what happened to our son to be made public as soon as possible, so that other children won’t die unnecessarily. We are hopeful that the school will soon agree to our request to review their Report, as well as all of the statements they took from coaches, administrators, etc., regarding the circumstances surrounding the death of our son. We are confident that once the whole truth is known, people will demand the changes necessary to protect the children.
It is our sincere hope that we will soon be able to sit down and tell you about the series of failures and mistakes which resulted in the very preventable death of our child. We want to make sure that what happened to Jeff never happens to any other child.
Bob and Troy Bowman