Live Music:
Friday: Badwater Bill at Scotty’s; Silver Platters at The Cottage Inn; Kiniption Fit at Great Northern Bar; Andre Floyd at the Blue Canyon; Good Wood Trio at Raleigh’s; Mike Bader Blues Band at Red’s; Glacier Symphony & Chorale at Glacier High School
Saturday: Can’t Hardly Playboys at The Lodge at Whitefish Lake; Good Wood Trio at Raleigh’s; Silver Platters at The Cottage Inn; Mobile Beat at Red’s, Kiniption Fit at the Northern; Glacier Symphony & Chorale at Whitefish Middle School
Friday: Flathead Braves v. Helena Capital Bruins (football) at Legends Field
Saturday: Meet Me in Montana Barrel Races at Majestic Valley Arena; Columbia Falls Wildcats hosts a playoff game v. Hamilton Broncs (football)
Friday: Blithe Spirit play at O’Shaughnessy Center; I Stand Before You Naked play at KM Theatre; Bad Day at Day Creek at Bigfork Center for Performing Arts (all three plays also on Saturday at same locations); and Kelly Apgar and Mary Kelley art show at Montana Stone Gallery
For a full listing of times, other events and what’s happening on Sunday, go to