Predictions continue to mount that the United States is headed for economic recession. Dr. David Seiders, chief economist with the National Association of Homebuilders predicts that the likelihood of economic recession in 2008 exceeds 40%. This forecast contradicts Seiders’ earlier predictions that a recession was unlikely and further underlines the dangers of a deteriorating national economy.
As unfortunate as this sounds, there exists a substantial school of thought that Montana will be able to avoid the effects of a national recession. At a recent convention in Kalispell, Dr. Paul E. Polzin, from the University of Montana, stated that world economic factors tend to affect the Montana economy more than what happens nationally. Commodities such as copper, wheat, oil and gas are in high demand and Montana is beautifully positioned to take advantage of this demand. South Asian and East Asian economies are growing at unprecedented rates. This will continue to drive demand and Montana will be one of the beneficiaries. For these reasons, Dr. Polzin believes Montana has a very bright economic future.
We in Montana are more than just hewers of wood and drawers of water however. Although we are blessed with natural resource riches, our state has become a sought after destination. The country has awakened to the fact that Montana is a wonderful place to raise a family and to build a life at any age. Where better to build that dream home or operate a business than Montana? It is a statement of fact that our company continues to receive a growing number of requests for information packages from people searching for that Montana dream – a chance to live and work in Montana.
All of these factors reinforce our belief that now is a great time to buy here, to invest here to live here. We can be secure in the knowledge that Montana is and always will be America’s Last Best Place.
To Contact Tom regarding real estate or any other topic please email him at:
[email protected]
Or call 406.250.7208