
Opening Night for “The Pajama Game”

By Beacon Staff

“The Pajama Game” opened Thursday night in the Columbia Falls High School Little Theater, giving late week theatergoers a great show.

The musical comedy features Scott Hopkins, Bralyn Joubert, Jacob Santee, Ben Donner and Adelle Houle in leading roles, with a cast of 22, a chorus, and a crew of 13. The music is provided by the Columbians Jazz Band, conducted by Karen Ulmer.

The play continues with performances Friday and Saturday night at 7:00pm and a matinee on Sunday at 2:30pm. Tickets are $8. Everyone in attendance had a great time, so don’t miss out.

Jacob Santee (as Hines) hams it up with Ashley Carlson (as Poopsie).


Santee again, with Mabel, played by Hannah Martinez.


Gladys (played by Adelle Houle) does a number with (and on) the Union President, played by Uriah Keller.


Grumpy old boss Hassler (played by Ben Donner) and Tyler Kruse (as Joe) carry Sandra (played by Keri Potter) during a dance number.


Cedar Smith, as Mae, gives management the eye.


Boss Hassler (Donner) gets an earful from the Union President (Keller).


Gladys (Houle) in a dance number at the union hall, accompanied by Max (played by Neo Chen Gao).


Babe’s father Pop (played by Jon Riffey) shows off his stamp album to Babe’s love interest, Sid Sorokin (Hopkins).