
Swim Team Signups This Sunday

By Beacon Staff

On Sunday, the Columbia Falls Swim Team ramps up their 2008 season with a registration session that includes a photo spread of the 2007 season and root beer floats.

Registration is $75 for the first child in the family and $50 for other children in the family. Kids from age 4 to high school seniors are eligible for a summer of great family fun, camping, swimming and hanging with friends in towns across Northwest Montana.

It is recommended that kids have had at least 1 session of swimming lessons, but it is not a requirement. It is not the least bit unusual for a State Champion swimmer at 13-17 years old to be the same kid who was a beginning competitor at 9 or 10 years old.

Join the swim team at the North Valley Community Center in Columbia Falls between 6pm and 8pm this Sunday (April 27). If you can’t attend the signup session and are interested in getting your family involved, call Bryan Donner at 892-3214 or Courtney Babcock at 755-4509.