
Thursday Buffet: Library Limbo, Farm Bill Saga Continues and Pepie the Lake Monster

By Beacon Staff

Good morning and happy World Red Cross Day.

The sun is peeking through the clouds in downtown Kalispell, let’s hope it continues through the weekend. On the Beacon today, Keriann looks at the state of the county library system, including a new branch location being considered in Columbia Falls. Myers Reece finds out where that extra 1 percent fee in Whitefish goes. Columnist Bill Schneider talks to the man behind the wolf recovery plan – apparently, everything is going according to plan.

President Bush vows to veto the Farm Bill. The Energy Department wants to spend $1.3 billion on clean-power plants. A Canadian company is building an underground oil pipeline in Eastern Montana. Missoula County Commissioners have asked that Plum Creek and federal land managers to cut off private meetings until the public can weigh in on the timber giant’s plans. Sen. Jon Tester slams Real ID act, saying at a Montana Democratic forum that it gives way too much power to the executive branch. A second former Montana State University football player was sentenced to 50 years for his role in the shooting death of Jason Wright.

And finally, in Lake City, Minn., a $50,000 award has been offered to anyone who captures Pepie the Lake Pepin Monster. “I distinctly remember three humps,” one monster witness said. Happy 40th birthday to Beacon designer Dwayne Harris!