Good morning. On this date in 1975, Jaws was released, and the summer blockbuster was born.
On the Beacon this morning, we look at the anonymous online novel chronicling the goings on in Whitefish. Bret Sickmann, 51, of Kalispell is dead after suffering extensive injuries in a dirt bike crash. In Libby, the Environmental Protection Agency is taking steps to cut back on the dust emanating from the former W.R. Grace & Co. vermiculite mine. And Whitefish Mountain Resort opens for the summer this Saturday.
Down in Missoula, the state GOP convention is going strong, with party Chairman Erik Iverson calling for unity among the fractious components of the Montana Republicans. After some confusion over the strength of former U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns’ support for presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain, Burns will be speaking in support of McCain at the convention. The three state House Republicans defeated in nasty primary elections said they will be filing as write-in candidates. Also in Missoula, a bicyclist was killed on Reserve Street after a collision with a large truck. It’s the first day of summer and the skiing in the high mountains remains phenomenal. In Washington, D.C., the Newseum has the Unabomber’s cabin on display.
And finally, check out these low-cost wedding dresses – made out of toilet paper. Have a great weekend.