
Whitefish Man Dies in Iraq

By Beacon Staff

WHITEFISH – A Whitefish man who died in Iraq suffered fatal injuries in a vehicle accident while supporting combat operations, the Marine Corps said Tuesday.

Cpl. Stewart S. Trejo, 25, died Thursday after being injured in Anbar province, the military said. Also killed in the accident was Cpl. Adam McKiski, 21, of Cherry Valley, Ill.

Trejo enlisted in the Marine Corps on Nov. 2, 2005. McKiski enlisted a year earlier. They were artillery systems technicians in a unit based at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Trejo was the third Montanan to die of injuries suffered in Iraq over a nine-day period.

Army Sgt. Jimmy McHale of Fairfield was taken off life support at a military hospital on July 30 after being injured by a roadside bomb in Iraq. Army Pvt. Timothy J. Hutton of Dillon died on Aug. 4 of injuries not related to combat.