GREAT FALLS – U.S. Sens. Max Baucus and Jon Tester have asked the Air Force to add Malmstrom Air Force Base to the list of possible sites for a new command center to oversee the nation’s nuclear arsenal.
The Air Force recently decided to consolidate under one command center control over land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, and airborne bombers capable of carrying nuclear bombs.
Baucus and Tester wrote a letter Thursday telling Air Force Secretary Michael Donley they “can think of no better place than Malmstrom.” The Montana Democrats cited personnel and existing facilities at the Great Falls base. They also noted Malmstrom’s recently expanded housing, telecommunications systems, room for expansion and strong community support.
Malmstrom is home to the 341st Space Wing, which oversees security, maintenance and operations of 150 ICBMs across Northcentral Montana.