This is your blog as much as it’s mine.
We’ll talk about a whole lot on here. It’s meant to be an online collection of observations, ruminations, local happenings, tall tales, online links, jokes, quotes, insights and diatribe. All in an updated-whenever-I-feel-like-it format.
Or something like that, anyway.
As a twenty-something, I’m expected to embrace blogging wholeheartedly; in reality, my reaction has been decidedly more tentative, waffling somewhere between anticipation and ambivalence. The idea of always having an opinion, an observation or something funny – or at least that I hope is funny – to say is off-putting to me. And spur-of-the moment postings and first-person accounts, outside of my comfort zone.
But I like the idea of encouraging interaction between this paper and its readers, bringing you into the process rather than merely observing from the sidelines. And I like the idea of having a place outside of our events calendar and the pages of the newspaper for you to talk about what’s going on in our community.
So, with that in mind, it’s my goal to make this blog much more about you – your community events, new businesses, activities, successes and cares – than me. To do that, I will need your help, in the form of e-mails, comments and ideas.
I realize the topic is overwhelmingly broad, and if you still don’t get it, that’s OK: I’m not sure I do either. Check in with this blog in the days and weeks ahead, and we’ll figure it out together.