Kalispell City Council meets tonight at 7 p.m. to assess several requests that could alter the landscape of southern Kalispell. First, council will hold a public hearing on whether to amend the city’s growth policy to change 550 acres south of Kalispell to accommodate a large commercial and residential development, Siderius Commons. The Gardner family is also seeking annexation of 82 acres along U.S. Highway 93 South.
Siderius Family Limited Partnership wants to eliminate the light industrial and suburban residential zoning designations to accommodate a 207-acre development with high-density residential homes and a commercial center. Initial sketches of the project indicate 523 dwelling units, though numbers are likely to change as the project progresses.
The Highway 93 South area up for zoning change is loosely defined as the land south of Cemetery Road, east of Airport Road, west of Demersville Road and north of Rocky Cliff Drive.
The Gardners seek annexation of land located between U.S. 93 and Lower Valley Road, and U.S. 93 and Snowline Lane. The Gardners would also like a proposed-unit-development placeholder for 9 tracts of land, and seek a “B-5” zoning designation, which accommodates business, warehouse and light-industrial uses.
Also on the council’s agenda tonight:
–Goldberg Properties Inc., the developer of Spring Prairie Center in north Kalispell, requested a one-year extension for the third phase of project so the developer can line up financing for this phase.
–Gateway Properties, Inc., has requested a planned-unit-development agreement for 80 acres of its Valley Ranch development north of Kalispell. It includes 85 residential lots, 33 townhouse lots, a senior living facility with 104 units and an apartment condominium lot capable of accommodating up to 160 dwellings. Valley Ranch was among the developments mentioned at a recent City Council work session to discuss whether Kalispell’s water and sewer infrastructure in the city’s northern end could accommodate the development, or whether developers in this area need to consider building a new north-south line.
–Plans to develop the Bay Ridge Estates subdivision have dissolved and the owners of the 19-acre property want their annexation rescinded.
–Montana Department of Transportation plans to complete traffic signal improvements at three intersections: U.S. 93 at Conway Drive, Sunny View Lane and Northridge Drive
–Increasing the city court’s criminal surcharge fee, and the security and technology fee, from $5 to $10. The court also seeks to assess a compliance fee of up to $60 monthly on sentences requiring court monitoring.