Live Music:
Friday: Can’t Hardly Playboys at Red’s; Dan Dubuque at The Cottage; Good Wood Trio at Rocky Mountain Roadhouse; The A Street Band at the Great Northern; Tim Torgerson at Blue Canyon; Sonny King at Blue Moon; Dangerous at Cattleman’s Bar; Mobile Beat DJ at Red’s
Saturday: Bluestone at the Lodge; Christian Johnson at Blue Canyon; The A Street Band at Great Northern; David Boone at Red’s
Friday: Rocky Mountain Bullriders Challenge and Boogeyman Brigade at Majestic Valley (also Saturday)
Art and Events:
Friday: Christmas Show at Flathead County Fairgrounds (runs through Sunday); Christmas City of the North Parade in downtown Kalispell; Rob Akey art show at the Loft
Saturday: Artists & Craftsmen of the Flathead at Red Lion; Pray for Snow Party at the Bierstube
For a full listing of times, other events and what’s happening on Sunday go to