In Chuck Stearns’ first meeting as Whitefish’s city manager, he will be dealing with chickens.
At its 7:10 p.m. meeting tonight, the Whitefish City Council is set to decide on a proposal that would allow households to have up to three female chickens as pets in residential areas. Under the proposal, no permits would be required to keep the chickens. The hens would be maintained inside of fenced areas on the property. Roosters will not be allowed within city limits.
Currently, residents who want to raise chickens in their backyards for eggs, companionship or any other reasons must pay for a conditional use permit and go before city council. Chickens are considered livestock, not pets, under city ordinances now.
Ninety-seven people have written to the city in favor of the proposal.
The council will also discuss:
-Formally identifying Stearns as the city manager
-Request for a preliminary plat at Mountain Park Subdivision
-Request to change fees associated with critical areas ordinance implementation and flood-plain development permits
-Request or funding from the city housing fund
-City Attorney John Phelps will review the advantages and disadvantages of continuing to manage enforcement on two lakeshore protection violations
Kalispell City Council meets tonight at 7 p.m. to make a final vote on zoning approximately 82 acres for Gardner Investments LLC, on the south side of town, east of U.S. Highway 93. The motion passed unanimously at the previous meeting.
On the other side of U.S. 93, council will vote on whether to amend the city’s growth policy for 550 acres zoned industrial, commercial and suburban residential at the request of Siderius Family Limited Partnership. Council will also examine a memorandum of understanding between the city and county for funding the yet to be built 911 Center’s computer-aided dispatch equipment. Also, council will vote on a request from James Reeves to join the city skateboard park committee.