Good morning and happy birthday Georges-Pierre Seurat.
On the Beacon this morning, the chickens have come home to roost in Whitefish – and now it’s legal. Hutton Ranch developer Phil Harris confirms he has sold 18 acres to Wal-Mart in north Kalispell to build a Super Center store. According to the latest figures released by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, this big game season was one of the slowest in a decade. The ski team at Whitefish Mountain Resort is young this year, but none of the skiers or coaches see that as a disadvantage. In Missoula, the attorney for a 23-year-old accused of murdering his roommate is arguing that a police interrogation conducted while the accused was on pain narcotics and drunk in the hospital should not be admitted as evidence. In the state House, Democrats and Republicans are still arguing over committee chairmanship assignments. The Church Universal and Triumphant is mellowing out some, but they’re still ready for the Apocalypse. Col. Paul Grimstad, chief of the Montana Highway Patrol, is interested in the open job as Montana’s next U.S. marshal.
And here’s a great entry from the journalistic genre of cross-country house pet survival sagas. Witness Fluffy, the grey tabby cat who survived in Yellowstone National Park to eventually be reunited with her family in Houston, Texas! Have a great day.