Christmas music abounds next week at Columbia Falls High School and Columbia Falls Junior High.
On Tuesday December 16th, both schools have concerts at 7pm. At the high school, the Sonifers and Columbia Chorale take the stage along with Wind Ensemble and the always spectacular Columbians Jazz Band. A nice tradition at the close of this concert brings former students of all ages to the stage to close the evening.
On Thursday December 18th at 7pm in the high school, the CFHS Jazz Cafe closes out the kids’ 2008 in-town concert season in the main lobby of the high school. Jazz Cafe is a fundraiser for the bands’ annual trip to jazz competitions. It’s become a bit of a tradition for parents, music lovers, former high school musicians and families to hang out, have some refreshments (thus the cafe), dance and chill to another year of Karen Ulmer’s terrific suite of jazz bands at CFHS.
All concerts except Jazz Cafe are free. Jazz Cafe is $5 for adults and $3 for students.