It’s impossible to predict the success of a bill, but based on Chuck Johnson’s story this morning, legislation proposed by Rep. Ted Washburn, R-Bozeman, to undo same-day voter registration in Montana appears doomed to failure. Representatives of 15 different groups turned out to oppose the bill. And though the rationale behind Washburn’s bill was to make Election Days easier on county clerks and recorders’ offices, not a single county election official turned out to support the bill. Whether a lawmaker supports the bill or not, no one wants to get tarred as infringing upon voter rights; it’s political kryptonite. If I was a betting man, I’d wager all my collateralized debt obligations that this bill is heading for the trash heap.
From Chuck Johnson’s story:
HELENA – Groups representing college students, the elderly, American Indians, women, labor unions and environmentalists turned out in force today to oppose a Bozeman Republican’s bill that would no longer allow people to register to vote on Election Day.
Representatives of 15 groups showed up to oppose House Bill 88 at a hearing before the House State Administration Committee.
They argued that it would disenfranchise a number of Montanans.
Nobody showed up to support the measure by Rep. Ted Washburn.