A public relations battle is underway over the federal stimulus plan – also known as the “Jobs Bill” – that is slowly making its way to President Barack Obama’s desk. Montana’s Democratic Sens. Jon Tester and Max Baucus reaffirmed their support for the bill in an e-mail Tuesday.
Baucus: “The best way to get our economy back on track is by creating and keeping good-paying jobs and cutting taxes for hard-working folks. That’s what this bill does.This bill is not a bailout. Jon and I worked hard to make sure this bill is right for Montana and for the country. We’re going to keep working with our colleagues to get this bill to the President’s desk. It’s the right medicine for our ailing economy.”
Tester: “After years of failed policies that put our economy in the tank, we need jobs, not politics as usual. Now is not the time for Congress to vote against jobs. It is time to rebuild our economy from the ground up by putting folks to work rebuilding our roads, water and energy systems, health care facilities and schools. I’ve been working closely with my colleagues from both political parties to put the focus of the bill on priority items that will get the job done.”
Montana’s lone Congressman Denny Rehberg, a Republican who ardently opposes the bill, also sent out an e-mail Tuesday titled: “Calls to Rehberg’s Office 10-1 Against Stimulus – Reflects National Trend.” He included the graph below: