I knew that our U.S. lawmakers prevented anyone from trademarking Montana’s unofficial slogan, “The Last Best Place.” I just didn’t know they did it in the Appropriations Bill. From Rehberg’s office:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, secured language in the 2009 Consolidated Appropriations bill which would prohibit the trademark of the phrase ‘The Last Best Place’. Rehberg’s provision was included in the final version of the bill, expected for a vote later this week.
“For years, Max and I have successfully fought in the House and the Senate to ensure the exclusive rights to this uniquely Montana slogan won’t be given to just one person,” said Rehberg, a member of the Appropriations Committee. “And this year is no different.”
In 2002, a Las Vegas businessman attempted to trademark ‘The Last Best Place’ for use at his Resort at Paws Up located in the Blackfoot Valley. In response, Rehberg and Senator Baucus have annually inserted language in Congressional funding measures to “prohibit funds from being used to register, issue, transfer, or enforce any trademark” of the phrase.
“Including this language in both the House and Senate versions of the bill helped ensure it would be in the final version,” said Rehberg. “I’m glad to see we found a bipartisan, bicameral solution to continuing to protect a treasured Montana nickname.”