U.S. Sen Max Baucus’s staff will be hosting a series of workshops across the state this month aimed at helping small businesses take advantage of federal stimulus funds. A workshop will be held in Kalispell Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at Flathead Valley Community College. From the senator:
Montana’s senior U.S. Senator Max Baucus is dispatching key staff, from Washington D.C. and Montana, to hold seven workshops across the state this month to ensure Montana’s small businesses have the tools they need to apply for funding under the new Jobs Bill passed by Congress last month.
Baucus, chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, was a key author of the Jobs Bill and made sure the bill was right for Montana. The bill includes more than $600 million for Montana projects, including many provisions to help small businesses survive the economic downturn.
For example, Montana’s small businesses will be eligible to receive a portion of the $3 billion in rural business loans and grants through the USDA rural business program; $2.5 billion for distance learning, telemedicine and broadband programs; $150 million for Economic Development Assistance programs at EDA; $100 million for Community Development Financial Institutions.
Baucus staff will help small business owners and community leaders make sure they are taking advantage of these programs as well as filing for tax relief measures that were included in the bill.