
Online, Horse Slaughter Opponents Put Pressure on the Governor

By Beacon Staff

While Gov. Brian Schweitzer hasn’t indicated his position on the horse slaughter legislation headed to his desk, judging from the number of groups opposed to the bill, I assume he has gotten an earful on the matter.

The Montana Legislature gave its final OK last week to a law that would welcome horse-slaughter plants. The country’s last slaughterhouse closed in Illinois in 2007 after a court there upheld a state law prohibiting the practice.

With Montana a signature away from allowing a slaughterhouse to be built here, Web opposition has spread. A sampling here, here and here. And now a YouTube video has been made encouraging Schweitzer to veto the legislation (see below).

I fully expect the governor to sign the bill. But I also wouldn’t be surprised to see a voter petition banning the practice to begin circulating soon thereafter.