Good morning; on this date in 1865 General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, ending the Civil War.
On the Beacon today, Myers and Lido showcase the valley’s high school’s top athletic talent in their Best of Preps feature. The Whitefish City Council will consider a proposed 51-home development at the site of the old North Valley Hospital. The state Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks has completed purchase of a fishing-access site east of Kalispell along McWenneger Slough. Two teenage boys are accused of assaulting a female guard Tuesday night trying to escape from the Flathead County Juvenile Detention Center. And in the W.R. Grace trial, a key government witness may have perjured himself.
The MUST READ story of the day details an epic robbery ending in suicide in which, essentially the entire community of Trout Creek caught a man who tried to hold up a convenience store.
In the Legislature, the state House is rejecting changes Gov. Brian Schweitzer made to the horse slaughter bill, while the Environmental Protection Agency said without those changes the bill could violate some regulations. Conservation group the Blue Goose Alliance is suing the Interior Department over its plan to manage the National Bison Range in Moiese. Republicans’ move to strip some stimulus funds from education is drawing serious criticism. U.S. Sen. Max Baucus and his wife Wanda are filing for divorce. Snowpack across Montana is either at or above average levels. Whitefish Rep. Mike Jopek is deeply unhappy so far with what the Republican-led Senate Taxation Committee is doing to his property tax mitigation bill. And U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg blasted Congressional Democrats and President Barack Obama over the stimulus bill.
Finally, an English soccer player was issued a yellow card for passing gas during an opponent’s penalty shot. Have a great day.